
Two Bonelli’s Eagles equipped with transmitters in different nests in the central area of the peninsula (Dueña and Orusco) and a third one released in the western mountains of Madrid (Argonne), in the context of reintroduction of the species through the Life Bonelli Project, coincided within their area of dispersion.


Argonne, on one of the feeding points installed in the releasing zone of the Bonelli’s Eagles in the western mountains of Madrid.



'Argonne', sobre uno de los puntos de alimentación instalado en la zona de liberación de las águilas de Bonelli de la Sierra Oeste de Madrid.

'Argonne' sobrevuela el Parque Regional del Sureste (Madrid).

Movimientos de las águilas de Bonelli 'Argonne', 'Orusco' y 'Dueña'.



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