
One of the mayor challenges of Life Bonelli is to make known to the general public our interventions and efforts. In this respect, any support we receive from the media is very welcome. A good example is the media coverage about the initial flights of Soila and Oteo, the first specimens of the project released in the Basque country, in the valley Kanpezu in Álava.


The initial flights of Soila and Oteo, in the Basque press




Kanpezu estrana vecinos. Diario de noticias de Álava Soila y oteo conquistan el cielo alaves. El Correo estrena vecinos. Diario de Noticias de Álava y oteo conquistan el cielo alavés. El Correo

Soila y oteo, águilas de bonelli


Project brochure

folleto informativo bonelli

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